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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thanks for joining me in my journey

Hey everyone,

My name is Corey Bennett. I'm only 17 years old currently I've been studying internet marketing and looking into it for 2.5 years since I was 15 and have recently just started implementing the methods I've learned. The second day after implementing what I've learned, I made $80.43. Of course, I got all excited and made a short term goal, which is to make 6 figures or at least $100,000 in the next 12 months online.

I will be updating my blog every 1-2 days explaining what I did in that day or two and how much money I made that day and in total. I hope you join me in my journey and subscribe by entering your email address above. We're in this together to prove that anyone can do anything.

To your success,

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